About World In Focus
Michael Evans
My career as a commercial photographer began during the design boom of the 1980s while working for London based commercial and retail design giant, Fitch and Company. My role was to shoot everything from construction works at Heathrow airport, new office buildings and shopping centres, prototype products through to single retail outlets. I was equally at home in the studio, photographing the latest BT telephone or vacuum cleaner prototype or documenting a department store rebuild in Finland. During this time I vividly remember buying my first 4x5 inch view camera. I was inspired to learn everything I could about the intricacies of shooting architecture and commercial interiors, developing my own style and approach with every new project that I undertook.
By the late 1990s, I was travelling the world on various assignments for Time Life travel books, including Israel and the Middle East. I’ve lived in Melbourne for the last 24 years but the travel bug and my passion for great photography have never left me. I’m still learning new things every day, but I love my craft and have gained an excellent reputation for creative and innovative commercial, industrial and travel photography. My professional website can be viewed via the link below.
Mark Cohen
My interest in photography started at a very early age, and I can’t really remember a time when I wasn’t out and about with some form of film or Instamatic camera in hand.
Points of interest for me at that pre-teen age seemed to be airports and zoos, but I can recall occasionally trying to capture a sunset or a landscape image, and usually being underwhelmed by what I was able to produce with those limited resources.
In those ancient times before we all had cameras on our smart phones, I was the ‘Go-To’ person if any of my friends needed an image taken, and I specifically remember being asked to take the photos at an Engagement party when I was 20 years old, where it turned out that I was the only person on-site with a camera.
Thankfully I did manage to wind-on the film on each roll successfully, and all images came out in the way that I wanted them to!
Fast forward to 2024, and I have recently retired after spending 40 years involved in the Commercial Furnishings industry, in a marketing and manufacturing role that specifically focused on assisting clients to understand their working posture, and to create solutions to assist sufferers of chronic back issues to have the optimal product to minimise back pain.
Along that journey, I met Michael who become my ‘go-to’ product photographer/videographer, and we have ended-up becoming best friends in that process.
We have travelled together to photograph architecture, landscapes and airshows both within Australia and also the UK, and I have assisted him on many shoots; these times together have not only advanced my own understanding of photography, but also allowed me to understand just how extensive Michael’s knowledge and patience is!
His enthusiasm for supporting my own photography hobby – or is it now a habit? - has been epic, and I have learned so much from him during those years, that I now feel very comfortable with a range of camera bodies, lenses, filters and other accessories that make up my kit.
Like all photographers, I am dedicated to getting the image as perfect as possible in camera, but acknowledge that sometimes that just isn’t possible if there is bad weather or light, and so with the advent of the many wonderful post-processing tools now available, I am happy to occasionally swap skies or create a painterly-effect to turn an average scene into an interesting piece of ‘art’.
What I hope to bring to World In Focus is to use my 40 years of experience in helping people to achieve a better outcome, and to ultimately help others to immerse themselves in the wonderful world of photography.
A selection of my images can be viewed below, while my personal website can be found at www.imagerybyco.net